Roots Connection
Evolved Roots is a place that creates a supportive community to promote the growth and wellness of the mind, body, and soul. This community includes all of us, and through Roots Connection, we aim to encourage personal development, learning, healing, and evolution. As a community, I hope to cultivate health, wellness, and wholeness for ourselves and those around us.
Welcome to the Roots Connection.
I'm excited to embark on this journey with you.
Representation Matters
We must celebrate our truth and our stories.
Black Love
Love is our way forward.
Black Man
You have always been the source.
Black Woman
Put your crown back on and own your worth.
Show up.
Feel your feelings.
Transform your emotion into action.
Lay down your armor and lead with love.
Rise Up
Be exactly who you are.
My People
In these times you gotta have real friends. Not "just fun to be around" friends, but people that hold you to the fire and hold you accountable.
Turmoil and Pain
Everybody with you ain’t For you.
Good Vibes Only
“Good vibes only is kindergarten spirituality.”
Check-in with yourself often.
Relearn yourself
You are unfolding.
The Giver
If nature has made you a giver, your hands are born open, and so is your heart.
Flower Garden
You are also a flower.
I Hope you Heal
Healing is a lifelong journey.
Shadows and Shade
Where there are shadows there is light.
Hiding is Not Healing
Who or what are you hiding from?
In the Depths
In the depths, you cannot hide.
In Flow
Free your body and the mind will follow.
Don't just change, transform.
To be present is the best present.