Our Practice
Awaken the Spirit within
The mind is energy, and energy-focused yoga involves chanting, singing, using sound and smell, practicing breathing exercises, journaling, mantras, working with crystals, kriyas, mudras, meditation, and repeating poses.
By engaging the mind and activating your senses and spiritual energy, our approach nurtures the spirit, creating a healthy connection with the body, which can increase awareness, transform how we perceive ourselves, our lives, and the world around us, and help us move past the ego to create balance and contribute to our spiritual wellness.
Our Style
By establishing a healthy connection with your body and changing your breathing patterns, you can change how you feel and view your life and yourself.
a slow meditative practice, emphasizing peace and calm in mind and body.
an engaging practice, where poses are linked with the breath in a flowing sequence.
a spiritual practice, that involves chanting, singing, breathing exercises, and repetitive poses to activate your Kundalini energy.
an intense style of yoga in which poses are held for 3-5 minutes on each side focusing on improving flexibility and relaxation by targeting deep connective tissue.
a gentle form of yoga that is done while seated or using a chair for balance, making the practice more accessible.
a slow style of yoga that encourages using props and stillness to support physical, mental, and emotional relaxation.
infuses yoga elements with art, music, games, and other creative activities to meet youth where they are through play and exploration.
a type of meditation in which you focus on being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment it involves breathing and guided imagery to relax the body and mind and help reduce stress.
a conscious systematic breathing practice that involves changing the breathing pattern to improve mental, physical, and spiritual well-being.
a powerful therapy that combines different sounds, music, and instruments to improve well-being by creating a beautiful experience where all layers of our energy field (body, mind, soul, spirit) are awakened and engaged.
Where the mind and body come together as one.
Read our Community Blog
Roots Connection is a blog that focuses on personal growth, learning, healing, and evolution, promoting health, wellness, and wholeness for ourselves and those around us.