
It is the way in which two facts, ideas, and events come together.

It is…

“The energy that is created between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued. When they can give and receive without judgment. “

-Brene’ Brown

Connection is why we're here.

It is our purpose and our fear. A fear that has only been exasperated by the algorithms that control us.

Social media gives and creates the Illusion of connection when we are, in fact, disconnected. Disconnected from ourselves and each other, and we fear the implications of that disconnection; that something we have done or failed to do, something about who we are or where we come from, has made us unlovable and unworthy.

But Connection is a relationship. It is the act of joining or being joined.

Connection Is union.

Yoga means union, so in essence, Connection is yoga.

And yoga is a journey of discovery.

Discovering ourselves and each other.


